
March 26, 2004 | 12:12 a.m.
<- Quizilla has spoken ->

In my not so humble opinion, you, of course, belong
in the Picture of Dorian Gray, and do not try
to deny it. You belong in the fashionable
circles of Victorian London where exotic
tastes, a double life, decadence, wit and a
hypocritical belief in moral betterment make
you a home. You belong where the witty
apothegms of Lords, the silly moralities of
matrons, the blinding high of opium, and the
beauty of visual arts mingle to form one
convoluted world.

Which Classic Novel do You Belong In?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yes folks, apparently, quizilla has spoken, therefore, I am who I am. Interesting little exercise this was. Now, I feel I must read this book.

Went to rehearsal, it was fun. I can't tell you how good it felt to be singing, from a score, completely unaware of the fact that I've had vocal trauma for a year. My voice worked, it was there, it was so GREAT! I get to do a lot of fun songs, most especially the one I really, really wanted to do. It's called "Hey There Single Guy", sooo funny.

Well, Jer is here, and he's got other things on his mind. Gotta go!!!


Change, she is a comin! - November 24, 2006
Little bit of nothin - September 14, 2006
That DID happen! - August 10, 2006
Dinner with famous friends - August 05, 2006
Morningstar - August 04, 2006

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