
November 08, 2004 | 12:11 a.m.
<- Shame spiral aborted ->

I'm in a shame spiral people. It's been way to long since I updated. HOWEVER, I've been BUSY! I got all crazed with the final tech week, show week of my show. I pretty much LIVED at the f'ing theatre from morning 'til night trying to get the set finished, lighting set, props done, etc. But, I will say, when all was said and done, it was a damn fine show. No really, it was BEAUTIFUL. During all our practice runs, and such, I just couldn't see it for what it was. I was so busy disecting it, writing notes about what to fix, blah, blah, blah, that I just couldn't see how beautiful it was. But, opening night finally came, the audience was full and sooooo wonderful and accepting of the show. Tears just flowed as I watched this wonderful, beautiful show that I had had the privelage to direct unfold in front of me. By the closing scene which was GORGEOUS I was just a puddle. I was so proud of my cast, proud of all their incredible hard work, proud of their achievement, proud of myself, everything. It was well worth the time, effort and tears that went into it. Would I do it again? Not right away, but definitely would love to do it another time. I don't know how anyone just directs show after show after show. It's too physically and emotionally draining. But, my cast was awesome, adn they all cried when it was over. There was never any drama, there was never ugliness. Everyone got along and we were just all friends. Apparently people are all hoping that I'll be directing more shows now. BUT, no such luck, the old director will be back. Ah well, at least I got to do my favorite show. I've missed everyone in the last week since it was over.

Seriously, other than show overdrive, nothing else has been going on. Well, Jer finally got a job and he actually really loves it. There is potential to make good money, and that's what I care about. Well, I DO care that he's happy in his work, I really do. We also have insurance, FINALLY! So, as soon as I get my card in the mail, I will be making all kinds of appointments to get myself checked out. I don't know about you, but I'm QUITE sick of bleeding for nearly 9 months straight. Oh, that reminds me, my little sister had her 2nd child, a sweet little boy on Oct. 24th. It's wierd to me sometimes that my little sister is a Mom, much less a Mom to TWO children.

Saturday night was my other sis's 30th birthday party. Good times were had by all, mostly because Charisma was there and she and Jer did "time Warp" on karaoke. They're freaking amazing on that song, and just on karaoke in general. They should take their show on the road, seriously, their just entertaining.

So, I signed up for Weetabix's holiday card extravaganza. Basically I'll be sending Christmas cards to 40 strangers, and they'll send me cards. It just intrigues me, so I had to go with it. Besides, I'm sick of my mailbox being home to nothing but freaking bills and grocery ads. Whilst I love the internet and e-mail, I MISS real letters in my mail box.

One of my companions from the mish found me online. I'd seriously lost her about 6 years ago, and had NO idea how to find her. So, happily, she found me and it's been a delight to catch up with her.

We're having rain the last day or so. VERY enjoyable! It's been fab to turn the air off and leave the door and windows open. Love how I say DOOR, SINGULAR. I have ONE door in my whole house that leads outside. So wierd!

I really need to be in bed NOW. I've got a big day planned tomorrow. I'm decorating my friends sisters house, she gave me the money and said "go to". SO, I'm off to all my favorite stores to find bargains, and to fill her house with hominess and love. This is SO fun for me. My sis in Utah told me the other day that's she's had TONS of people comment on how much they love her house and ask if I'd come up and help them on their house. I told her if they'd pay my way to Utah, I'd gladly come up and give them some help. I wish I were a real decorator/designer, that'd be super cool. I'm just a pretend faker that people seem to like.

Alright, I'm lame. Gotta go. Just didn't want people to think I was dead.

By the way, today was a FABULOUS sabbath. We had a great church meeting, and our womens meeting was fantastic, and I cried a lot and relaly felt the spirit today. It was all overcast and misty and cool outside all day, I came home from church and cleaned out a closet and organized it. I worked on decorating plans, and I watched the GREATEST Home makeover editon EVER! I seriously cried through the whole 2 hour special. Did anyone else see that? Was everyone crying as much as me? I mean, Ty cried for heavens sake. It was so good! Then I watched Law & Order Criminal Intent..vincent D'nofrio is just wierd. And then my fave Crossing Jordan was on. It was enjoyable, but unfortunately they want me to watch Las Vegas tomorrow night to see the conclusion. I hate continuation shows, I NEVER see them.

Oh, and in final utterly EXCITING news..AMAZING RACE 6 begins on November 16th. I am peeing my pants with anticipation folks! Though I read up on all the new teams, not to pleased. Seems like a majority are "model/actors". BARF!!! Give me bowling Moms and Chip and Kim any day. I hate pretty people, in perfect shape, they're not real.

Peace out

Change, she is a comin! - November 24, 2006
Little bit of nothin - September 14, 2006
That DID happen! - August 10, 2006
Dinner with famous friends - August 05, 2006
Morningstar - August 04, 2006

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